Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Els' talking about playing in the Tiger Era: "We took a beating"

Some very candid comments by Els in his WGC presser. Not sure if we've heard this kind of honesty about what it was like to play in the Tiger Woods era.

I don't know, man. I played for ten years when that guy dominated, so it's tough to get a different mind-set on things. Tiger was the dominant player. He won 14 majors. Think about it, 14 majors, in such a short period of time. Who is ever going to do that again? Who knows? That is pretty dominating.
So for us, myself, Phil, Vijay, Davis, Fred Couples, guys like that to have played under a guy who was that good, we took a beating, not only from him, but from you guys, too. It's been a tough -- it was a tough ten, 12 years for us. So to see kind of the new world out there, you know, with these young players coming through, Martin No. 1, Lee Westwood was No. 1 for a while. Lee has been around for a while, too, but the youngsters, they have got something going for them. They didn't have to play under a guy that was so dominant and I don't think they will ever appreciate how good Tiger was back then. He could do it again, who knows. He's just got to sort out the new swing again. He's so mentally strong that he could well dominate again. But at that level, who knows, I don't know. It's kind of an unfair -- it would be unfair for me to really comment more on that.
It's nice to see that the 20-somethings are actually producing now. They have started winning majors now and they are winning tournaments. It's basically almost their time to shine now and for us to do what we can.”

If this is Ernie Els' frustration/disappointment level, one could imagine what Mickelson feels like. After all, how many weeks would he have been number one in the world without Woods around.

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